Romantic | Fish Creek Calgary Engagement

With the weather we've been having in Calgary it was beginning to look like we were never going to get to photograph Laura and Bryan for their engagement session.

Which we were bummed about because we knew they were going to be lots of fun.

How did we know this? Well, we’re glad you asked. Brendan met Bryan in Junior High and even once got caught by the police for setting off fireworks then doing donuts in a school field. We probably should have done the donuts then set off the fireworks, but we were 16-year-old boys so we weren't that clever.

We knew Laura was fun because we got to photograph one of her friend's weddings and I saw her tearing up the dance floor at River Café with a bunch of med school friends!

So luckily we managed to find a window of about an hour and a half that had beautiful weather between rain storms and get some photos. In the end we pushed our luck a little too far and we had to wait out one of the heaviest rainfalls I've ever seen on the porch of Annie's in Fish Creek Park. It was all worth it though! We had it all: sun, dramatic Alberta clouds, a torrential downpour, a rainbow and golden hour light!

Thanks, Laura and Bryan, for hanging out with us for a couple hours and for embracing the rain! Here are some of our favourite images from your unpredictable engagement session! KAPOW!

Brendan & Adele

wide angle engagement photo of couple standing in field with storm brooming behind them
engagement photo of close up of girl in black dress stairing at guy
couple walking holding hands in puddles of rain with rainbow in the distance
romantic engagement photo of couple holding each other surrounded by pathway lanterns