Griffith Woods Park Engagement Session

candid engagement photography of couple laughing at Griffith Woods Park

Before their engagement session Angela and Stefan claimed that they can't ever take good pictures of themselves! They say they always end up looking weird and have to do a bunch before they get anything. Sometimes it's just really hard to be the photographer and subject at the same time!

When we first met we told them how this was the reason we do the engagement session before every wedding we photograph because it helps to get used to having your portrait taken and get comfortable in front of the camera.

It barely took any time at all for these two to be comfortable in front of the camera though. They were instantly fantastic together and having so much fun! We had an awesome time too, taking them all around Griffith Woods and enjoying the golden hour light with them.

They are having an intimate wedding at Heritage Park and we can't wait for it! It's all about just focusing on the things that are most important to them, and we love that!

Brendan & Adele

romantic sunset photo of couple standing in front of calm pond with yellow trees surrounding the subjects
wide angle engagement photo of calm pond in the foreground and couple cuddled up close with everygreen trees in the background